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Historical Origins

The Juneteenth Flag: A Symbol of Freedom and Liberation

Historical Origins

The Juneteenth flag, also known as the Freedom Flag, was created in 1997 by activist Ben Haith to commemorate the Juneteenth holiday. This holiday marks the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States on June 19, 1865.

Symbolism and Design

The Juneteenth flag features a vibrant red, white, and blue design. The starburst in the center represents the new dawn of freedom, while the arc symbolizes the sky's journey over the Atlantic Ocean to the United States. The colors red, white, and blue evoke the American flag, acknowledging the newly freed slaves' status as citizens of the United States.

The Juneteenth flag has become an iconic symbol of the end of slavery and the ongoing struggle for justice and equality. It is flown throughout the United States on June 19th, and its presence serves as a reminder of the sacrifices and triumphs of the African American community.

A Call to Action

The Juneteenth flag not only signifies a historical event but also inspires a call to action. It reminds us that the fight for freedom and equality is an ongoing effort. As we commemorate Juneteenth, let us recommit ourselves to fostering a society where all voices are heard and all people are treated with dignity and respect.
